Niba Gordian Akam | Thermodynamics | Excellence in Innovation

Mr. Niba Gordian Akam | Thermodynamics | Excellence in Innovation 

University of Douala | Cameroon 



Niba Gordian Akam embarked on his academic journey with a solid foundation in technical education, earning distinctions in various stages of his early academic pursuits. His attainment of the Brevet de Technicien and Probatoire Brevet de Technicien from GTHS Bamenda laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in higher education.


With a passion for teaching and a specialization in woodwork and related subjects, Niba Gordian Akam began his professional career as a Teacher at GTHS Bamenda and later at GTHS Santa. His expertise expanded to include mathematics, physics, applied mechanics, quality hygiene, computer skills, and AutoCad proficiency.


Niba Gordian Akam's educational journey continued as he pursued higher degrees, culminating in a Master's degree in Valorization of Forest Resources with a specialization in Bioresource Renewable Energy from the University of Douala. His research focus centers on sustainable utilization and renewable energy applications derived from forest resources.


As an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Bamenda, Niba Gordian Akam plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of professionals. His contributions extend beyond the classroom, where he actively engages in teaching, supervision, evaluation, and jury duties for HND defense, ensuring the academic excellence of his students.


Niba Gordian Akam's academic achievements are underscored by his commitment to excellence, as evidenced by his Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from the University of Bamenda, where he graduated with distinction. His academic prowess is further demonstrated by his successful pursuit of a Ph.D. in the Laboratory of Forestry Resources, specializing in Bioresource Renewable Energy at the University of Douala.


Niba Gordian Akam's legacy is one of academic excellence and dedication to sustainable development. Through his teaching, research, and professional endeavors, he strives to contribute meaningfully to the fields of forestry resources and renewable energy. His future contributions are poised to make a lasting impact on academia and industry alike.


Thermodynamics forms the cornerstone of Niba Gordian Akam's research focus, as he explores the utilization of renewable energy derived from forest resources. With a deep understanding of thermodynamic principles, he aims to harness the potential of bioresources to address energy challenges sustainably. In his academic pursuits and professional endeavors, thermodynamics serves as a guiding principle, informing his approach to renewable energy solutions.




Clebson Cruz | Quantum Thermodynamics | Young Scientist Award

Prof Dr. Clebson Cruz | Quantum Thermodynamics | Young Scientist Award

Federal University of Western Bahia | Brazil

Author Profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Clebson Cruz embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in physics. His Bachelor's degree in Physics from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) provided him with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts in the field. Under the guidance of his advisor, José Carlos Oliveira de Jesus, he delved into research on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in quasi-periodic stratified media. This early research experience likely instilled in him a passion for experimental investigation and theoretical exploration within the realm of physics.

Professional Endeavors:

Upon completing his Master's degree, Clebson Cruz advanced to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics at Fluminense Federal University. During this time, he immersed himself in the characterization of quantum correlations in low-dimensional molecular magnetic systems. His doctoral research, supervised by Mario de Souza Reis Junior, not only expanded the boundaries of his expertise but also contributed significantly to the field of quantum information and condensed matter physics.

Contributions and Research Focus On Quantum Thermodynamics:

Clebson Cruz's research focuses on quantum technologies based on low-dimensional magnetic systems. He is particularly interested in studying quantum batteries and the quantum properties of advanced materials for quantum computing. His interdisciplinary approach integrates principles from quantum information science, condensed matter physics, and computational methods. By investigating the behavior of quantum systems at the molecular level, Cruz aims to advance our understanding of quantum phenomena and pave the way for practical applications in quantum technology.

Accolades and Recognition:

Throughout his academic and professional journey, Clebson Cruz has garnered recognition for his contributions to the field of physics. His research publications in esteemed journals and his role as a scientific journal referee and guest editor underscore his expertise and reputation within the scientific community.

Impact and Influence:

Clebson Cruz's research has the potential to revolutionize quantum technologies and contribute to significant advancements in fields such as quantum computing and energy storage. By unraveling the mysteries of quantum correlations and properties in low-dimensional magnetic systems, Cruz's work could lay the foundation for the development of novel quantum devices with practical applications.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As a leading figure in quantum information science and condensed matter physics, Clebson Cruz's legacy lies in his dedication to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and fostering innovation. His future contributions are poised to shape the trajectory of quantum technology research, inspiring the next generation of physicists and leaving a lasting impact on the field for years to come.

Notable Publication: