Baskar Thangaraj | Nanocarbon materials | Best Paper Contribution Award

Dr. Baskar Thangaraj | Nanocarbon materials | Best Paper Contribution Award

Khalifa University |United Arab Emirates

Author Profile:

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Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. Baskar Thangaraj's academic journey is marked by a pursuit of knowledge in diverse fields. Starting with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Madurai Kamaraj University, he progressively advanced through a Master's in Physics, a Master's in Energy Sciences, and an M.Phil. in Energy Studies. His educational journey culminated in a Doctor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

Professional Endeavors:

Dr. Baskar's professional trajectory spans various roles, showcasing his interdisciplinary expertise. He began as a Technical Advisor at Swaraj Biodiesel production center in Tamil Nadu, India, in 2007. Subsequently, he served as Project Director at Green India Carbon Mitigation and Trading Ltd, emphasizing his commitment to sustainable practices. His international exposure includes roles such as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in China and Thailand, highlighting his contribution to global research collaborations.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Dr. Baskar's contributions to the field are underscored by a rich portfolio of projects and research endeavors. His projects span from Lipase immobilization for biodiesel production during his DSc program to the synthesis, characterizations, and applications of biomass-derived carbon quantum dots in his postdoctoral fellowship. His expertise lies in nanomaterials synthesis, biofuels research, biomass research, and batteries research, reflecting a holistic approach to sustainable energy solutions.

Accolades and Recognition:

Recognition of Dr. Baskar's scholarly contributions comes in the form of numerous awards and scholarships. Notable among these are the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) for his DSc program, the China National Postdoctoral Fellowship from Jiangsu University, and various accolades for his research papers. His inclusion in the Top Cited Articles in ChemBioEng Reviews Journal for consecutive years further attests to the impact of his work.

Impact and Influence:

Dr. Baskar's influence extends beyond his research into the academic community. He has been invited as a Chief Guest and Guest Speaker for lectures, demonstrating his ability to communicate complex scientific concepts. Additionally, his role as a member of the editorial board for journals like Energy and Sustainable Development (ESD) reflects his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and contributing to scholarly dialogue.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Dr. Baskar's legacy is one of interdisciplinary research, international collaboration, and a commitment to sustainable energy solutions. His projects have addressed critical aspects of biodiesel production, biomass-derived materials, and energy storage, laying the groundwork for future advancements in these fields. As a research scientist at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, his ongoing work on biomass-derived nanostructured carbon materials promises to contribute significantly to the field.

Membership, Editorial Roles, and Projects:

Dr. Baskar's affiliations as a life member of various scientific associations, his role as a reviewer for multiple journals, and his involvement in research projects underline his dedication to fostering scientific advancements. His current project on biomass-derived nanostructured carbon materials at Khalifa University is indicative of his continuous commitment to cutting-edge research.

Research Skills and Expertise:

Dr. Baskar's expertise encompasses nanomaterials synthesis, biofuels research, biomass research, batteries research, and the handling of various instruments. His proficiency in diverse areas of scientific inquiry positions him as a versatile and resourceful researcher.

Google and Scopus Citations:

Dr. Baskar's significant impact on the scientific community is quantified by his Google Scholar and Scopus citations. With a substantial h-index and i-10 index, he has not only produced quality research but has also garnered attention and recognition within the academic realm.

In conclusion, Dr. Baskar Thangaraj's academic and professional journey is emblematic of a dedicated researcher with a global perspective on sustainable energy solutions. His interdisciplinary approach, impactful research, and commitment to knowledge dissemination make him a noteworthy figure in the field. As he continues to contribute to biomass-derived materials and sustainable energy, Dr. Baskar is poised to leave a lasting legacy in the realm of green technologies and environmental sustainability.

Notable Publication: