Michel Planat | Quantum information | Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Michel Planat | Quantum information | Best Researcher Award 

The National Centre for Scientific Research | France



Dr. Michel Planat’s academic journey is rooted in a profound interest in mathematics and theoretical physics. His early work focused on foundational aspects of quantum theory, laying the groundwork for his later research in quantum information and related fields. Over the past decade, his scholarly contributions have continued to shape the landscape of modern theoretical physics.


Dr. Planat has established himself as a prominent researcher in the domain of quantum theory and quantum information. His professional endeavors are characterized by a strong commitment to exploring the mathematical structures underlying quantum computing and other advanced theoretical concepts. He has collaborated with researchers from diverse backgrounds, contributing to interdisciplinary studies that bridge mathematics, physics, and molecular biology.


Dr. Planat’s research focus encompasses a wide range of topics within quantum information, group theory, and the mathematical structures of quantum computing. Notable among his contributions are his studies on "Character Varieties and Algebraic Surfaces for the Topology of Quantum Computing" and "Group Theory of Syntactical Freedom in DNA Transcription and Genome Decoding," both published in 2022. These works reflect his interest in the intersection of quantum theory with other scientific domains, such as molecular biology, highlighting his innovative approach to quantum information. His research often involves collaboration with other leading scientists, including Klee Irwin, with whom he has co-authored several papers.


Dr. Planat’s work in quantum information and related fields has had a significant impact on the scientific community. His exploration of the topological and algebraic structures underlying quantum computing has provided new insights into the fundamental aspects of this emerging field. His work on the group theory associated with DNA transcription has also influenced the broader understanding of the mathematical principles governing biological processes. The citation of his publications, such as "Character Varieties and Algebraic Surfaces for the Topology of Quantum Computing," reflects the influence of his research on both theoretical and applied sciences.


The academic citations of Dr. Planat’s work demonstrate the far-reaching implications of his research. His publications, such as the ones in "Symmetry" and "Current Issues in Molecular Biology," have been cited by peers, underscoring their relevance and impact. His contributions to the field of quantum information are particularly noteworthy, as they are referenced in discussions on the mathematical foundations of quantum computing and the application of group theory in biological contexts.


Dr. Planat’s legacy in the field of quantum information is characterized by his innovative approach to integrating mathematical theory with practical applications in quantum computing and molecular biology. His future contributions are likely to further expand the understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of quantum phenomena and their applications in diverse scientific fields. As his work continues to be cited and built upon by other researchers, his influence on the development of quantum information and related areas will remain significant.


Dr. Planat's research is deeply embedded in the exploration of quantum information through the lenses of group theory, algebraic surfaces, and topological structures. His studies contribute to a deeper understanding of how quantum information can be manipulated and utilized in quantum computing, with broader implications for both theoretical and applied physics. His innovative use of quantum information in understanding biological processes also highlights the interdisciplinary potential of this field.


Gang Wang | Quaternion quantum mechanics | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Gang Wang | Quaternion quantum mechanics | Best Researcher Award 

North-Eastern Federal University | Russia



Dr. Gang Wang's academic journey began at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Heze University, Shandong, P.R. China, where he completed his B.A. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in 2017. His early academic endeavors were marked by a strong foundation in mathematical theory and practical applications. He then pursued an M.Sc. in System Science at the School of Mathematical Science, Liaocheng University, under the supervision of Professor Tongsong Jiang and Professor Jianli Zhao, graduating in 2020. His master's thesis was recognized as an Outstanding Master's Thesis in Shandong Province. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Mechanics at the Institute of Mathematics and Information Science, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia, under the guidance of Academician Vasily I. Vasil’ev and Professor Tongsong Jiang.


Dr. Wang has contributed significantly to the field of mathematics through various research projects and grants. He has led multiple high-profile projects funded by the Russian Science Foundation, including the development of modern multiscale splitting methods for permafrost problems and novel computational methods for non-local multiscale models. His professional endeavors reflect his dedication to advancing mathematical models and computational methods, particularly in applications to complex real-world problems.


Dr. Wang's research interests are diverse and encompass quaternion quantum mechanics, signal and color image processing, multiscale mathematical models, and matrix analysis and computations. His work on quaternion quantum mechanics has been particularly noteworthy, providing new insights and methodologies in this advanced field. He has also made significant contributions to signal processing and image analysis, enhancing the understanding and applications of multiscale mathematical models.


Dr. Wang's impact on the field of mathematics is evidenced by his numerous research awards and grants. He has received the Russian Federation Government Scholarship and the Outstanding Graduate Award in Shandong Province, among others. His work on quaternion quantum mechanics and multiscale mathematical models has been widely recognized and cited in academic circles, contributing to the advancement of these fields. His research on permafrost problems and non-local multiscale models has practical applications that address significant environmental and engineering challenges.


Dr. Wang's research has been well-received in the academic community, with his work being cited extensively. His contributions to quaternion quantum mechanics and signal processing have been particularly influential, with citations reflecting the importance and applicability of his research. His ability to bridge theoretical mathematics with practical applications has garnered significant attention and respect from his peers.


Dr. Wang's legacy is rooted in his commitment to advancing mathematical research and its applications. His future contributions are expected to continue driving innovation in quaternion quantum mechanics, signal processing, and multiscale modeling. As he completes his Ph.D. and moves forward in his career, Dr. Wang is poised to make further groundbreaking advancements that will benefit both the academic community and practical applications in various scientific and engineering fields.


Throughout his career, Dr. Wang has focused extensively on quaternion quantum mechanics, integrating its principles with advanced mathematical models to enhance understanding and applications. His research in quaternion quantum mechanics has led to significant advancements in theoretical physics and applied mathematics, providing new tools and methodologies for researchers and practitioners. Dr. Wang's work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in quaternion quantum mechanics, making substantial contributions to the field.


Ali Kamli | Quantum interference | Best Researcher Award 

Prof. Ali Kamli | Quantum interference | Best Researcher Award 

Jazan University | Saudi Arabia 



Ali A. Kamli's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from King Saud University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, followed by a Master's and Ph.D. in theoretical high-energy physics from the University of Southampton, UK. His doctoral research focused on the reliability of Dyson-Scheinger equations in technicolor theories, under the supervision of Professor Douglas A. Ross.


Ali A. Kamli's professional trajectory is marked by a series of leadership roles and academic appointments. He has held positions such as Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality, Dean, Professor, and Head of Physics Department at various prestigious institutions including Jazan University and King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, he served as a visiting professor at the University of Calgary, Canada, and the University of Rochester, USA.


Ali A. Kamli's research interests lie in theoretical quantum optics and photonics, quantum information, plasmonics, meta-materials, and cavity quantum electrodynamics. His work encompasses areas such as quantum interference, coherent control of light-matter interactions, and applications of surface polaritons in quantum computing and information processing. He has made significant contributions to these fields through his publications in renowned journals and his involvement in organizing conferences and workshops.


Ali A. Kamli's contributions have had a profound impact on the advancement of theoretical quantum optics and photonics. His research findings and leadership in academic and professional societies have helped shape the landscape of physics research in Saudi Arabia and beyond. He has received numerous awards and grants in recognition of his outstanding contributions to education and research excellence.


Ali A. Kamli's research publications have been cited extensively in the field of quantum interference, photonics, and quantum optics. His collaborations with renowned physicists and his leadership in academic societies have further enhanced his academic impact and influence.


Ali A. Kamli's legacy lies in his dedication to advancing knowledge and understanding in theoretical quantum optics. His future contributions are poised to further enrich the field through innovative research, mentorship of young scientists, and continued engagement in academic and professional societies.


Ali A. Kamli's research focuses on various aspects of quantum interference, including its role in quantum computing, photonics, and cavity quantum electrodynamics. Through his work, he aims to harness the principles of quantum interference to develop novel technologies for information processing and communication.


Citation: 02        Year: 2017



Utkarsh Vaish | Quantum dot cellular automata | Young Scientist Excellence Award 

Mr. Utkarsh Vaish | Quantum dot cellular automata | Young Scientist Excellence Award 

Indian institute of information technology | India



Utkarsh Vaish embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in electronics and communication, coupled with a keen interest in data science. His exceptional performance at Dayawati Modi Academy, Rampur, reflects his dedication and aptitude for learning.


Utkarsh's professional journey began with an enriching internship experience at Zoomcar India Pvt. Ltd., where he delved into the realm of data science. His role involved personalizing trip protection plans using data analysis and machine learning techniques, showcasing his ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.


Utkarsh's academic and professional projects underscore his commitment to innovation and excellence. From analyzing sales data to fabricating resistive memory and designing circuits using quantum dot cellular automata, he has consistently pushed the boundaries of conventional approaches.


Utkarsh's work has left a significant impact on various domains, including telecommunications, healthcare, and automation. His projects have not only addressed complex challenges but have also contributed to enhancing efficiency and decision-making processes in diverse industries.


Utkarsh's academic pursuits and professional projects have garnered recognition for their depth and ingenuity. His contributions have been cited as exemplary instances of interdisciplinary collaboration and creative problem-solving.


Utkarsh's legacy lies in his multifaceted expertise, spanning data science, electronics, and communication. As he continues to evolve professionally, his future contributions are poised to shape the trajectory of emerging technologies and drive innovation in the digital landscape.


Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) represents a promising paradigm shift in circuit design, offering the potential for ultra-low power and high-density computing. My projects involving QCA have explored its applications in circuit designing, fault analysis, and power optimization. By leveraging QCA, I aim to revolutionize traditional circuit design methodologies and pave the way for more efficient and scalable computing systems.


Jongho Seol | Quantum Computing | Outstanding Scientist Recognition Award

Middle Georgia State University | United States

Author Profile:


Early Academic Pursuits:

Jongho Seol embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Control and Instrumentation Engineering from Kangwon National University, Korea Republic of. Following this, he pursued a Master of Science degree in Computer Science at Oklahoma State University (OSU), where he explored topics related to computer architecture and organization. Later, he continued his academic pursuits at OSU, completing a Ph.D. in Computer Science, with a focus on designing models of blockchain architecture in distributed networks.

Professional Endeavors:

Seol's professional journey is marked by diverse roles in academia and industry. He has served as an Assistant Professor at Middle Georgia State University, where he teaches courses in Information Technology. Prior to this, he held teaching positions at Oklahoma State University, where he instructed courses on computer proficiency, computer architecture, and data structures. Additionally, Seol has gained industry experience through internships and employment at companies such as NOVI Inc., Emerson Automation Solutions, and LG Electronics Mobile Handset Research and Development Center.

Contributions and Research Focus On Quantum Computing:

Seol's research interests revolve around blockchain technology, distributed computing, and computer architecture. His doctoral research focused on designing quantitative models for dynamic blockchain-based computing. He has also been involved in projects related to LoRa IoT for Mesh Networks and the development of Django-Web-based dashboards. Through his research, Seol aims to advance understanding and innovation in these cutting-edge fields.

Accolades and Recognition:

Seol's contributions to academia and research have been recognized through various accolades and engagements. He has served on technical program committees, organized workshops, and participated in conferences focused on blockchain technology and decentralized AI. Additionally, Seol has been involved in reviewing grant proposals for organizations like the National Science Foundation (NSF) and has served as a reviewer for journals and conferences in the field of computer science.

Impact and Influence:

Seol's work has had a significant impact on both academia and industry. His teaching has influenced numerous students, equipping them with knowledge and skills in information technology and computer science. Through his research, Seol has contributed to advancing the frontier of blockchain technology and distributed computing, with potential applications in various domains such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As Seol continues his academic and professional journey, his legacy is likely to be characterized by continued innovation and impact in the field of computer science. Through his research, teaching, and service, he aims to inspire future generations of students and researchers while contributing to the development of cutting-edge technologies. Seol's dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration underscores his commitment to shaping the future of information technology.

Notable Publication:

A Real-Time Performance Model for NFT Chains  October 2023

Distributed Decentralized Chain (DDC) and k-Queue Variable Bulk Arrival and Static Bulk Service Model  May 2021

A Hybrid Chain and A Double-Tuple Variable Bulk Arrival and Static Bulk Service Model   May 2021