Nadia Imtiaz | Space Weather | Women Researcher Award 

Dr. Nadia Imtiaz | Space Weather | Women Researcher Award 

Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology | Pakistan 



Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's academic journey began with a keen interest in physics and space sciences. She earned her M.Sc. in Physics from Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan, followed by an MS in Medical Physics from the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Her passion for space physics led her to pursue a PhD in Space Physics at the University of Alberta, Canada, where she specialized in modeling electromagnetic perturbations in the ionosphere induced by seismic events.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz has an impressive career focused on Space Weather and Space Plasma Physics. She has been serving as a Principal Scientist since December 2015, heading the Space Plasma Physics Group. Her work involves leading research, publishing scientific papers, and training manpower in the field of space plasma physics. She has conducted pioneering research on PIC modeling of satellite-plasma interactions, including simulations of plasma environments around satellites in low Earth orbit. Her contributions include significant projects like the automation of Hall Effect Measurement setups using MATLAB for 3D magnetic field mapping.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's primary research focus is on space weather, specifically on the impact of space weather events on Earth's environment, particularly the low-latitude ionosphere. Her work involves analyzing data from space-based observatories and ground-based instruments to understand solar activity, solar wind, and geomagnetic conditions. She is involved in data assimilation by combining observational data with model simulations to improve space weather forecasts. Her research findings are published in scientific journals, contributing to the knowledge and understanding of space weather phenomena.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's research has had a significant impact on the field of Space Weather. Her PIC modeling of satellite-plasma interactions has provided insights into the complex interactions between satellites and the ionospheric plasma. Her research outputs have been validated through in-situ measurements by satellites, contributing to accurate modeling techniques. Her work on space weather effects on the low-latitude ionosphere has been instrumental in identifying patterns and anomalies using data visualization techniques.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's work is highly cited in the field of space physics and space weather. Her publications have contributed to advancing the understanding of plasma physics and its interaction with satellites. She has received awards and recognition for her poster presentations and contributions to international workshops and conferences focused on space weather research.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's legacy lies in her dedication to advancing the field of space plasma physics and space weather. Her future contributions will continue to focus on improving the accuracy of space weather forecasts through data assimilation and advanced modeling techniques. She will play a key role in training the next generation of scientists and researchers in this critical field.


Dr. Nadia Imtiaz's research on SPACE WEATHER encompasses various aspects such as solar activity, solar wind, geomagnetic conditions, and their impact on Earth's environment. Her work involves analyzing space weather data to understand its effects on satellite-plasma interactions and the low-latitude ionosphere. Her findings contribute to improving space weather forecasting capabilities, essential for satellite operations and telecommunications.


Rinaldo Santonico | cosmic radiation | Excellence in Research


Prof. Rinaldo Santonico | cosmic radiation | Excellence in Research

University of Roma "Tor Vergata" | Italy

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Rinaldo Santonico embarked on his academic journey with a "Laurea" in Physics from the University of Rome in 1967, guided by Prof. Marcello Conversi. His early years were marked by collaborative research, where he served as a fellow and collaborator in Prof. Conversi's esteemed research group until 1982.

Professional Endeavors:

Following his academic training, Santonico's career trajectory led him through various academic and research positions. He started as an assistant professor in 1971, securing a permanent position in Advanced Physics at the University of Rome in 1975. His stint at CERN as a paid scientific associate in 1976-1977 further enriched his experience. A significant transition occurred in 1982 when he transferred to the newly established University of Rome "Tor Vergata" as an Associate Professor of General Physics.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Santonico's research contributions spanned across a multitude of experiments and projects, notably in collider physics and cosmic ray astrophysics. He played pivotal roles in experiments such as µ/π Adone, E-247 Fermilab, WA17 SPS CERN, and many more, where he spearheaded responsibilities ranging from detector construction to data analysis. Notably, his invention of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) revolutionized gaseous ionization detectors, opening new avenues in particle physics experimentation.

Impact and Influence:

Santonico's impact extends beyond his experimental achievements. As a member of numerous committees for the selection of researchers and professors in Italian universities, he contributed significantly to shaping the academic landscape. His efforts in promoting RPCs through international workshops and industrial collaborations facilitated widespread adoption and advancement in detector technology.

Academic Cites:

His prolific career is reflected in numerous academic citations, attesting to the significance of his contributions in the scientific community. Santonico's work has been instrumental in shaping the understanding of cosmic radiation and its implications in both fundamental physics and astrophysics.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Santonico's legacy is firmly established through his pioneering work in cosmic ray astrophysics and gaseous ionization detectors. His ongoing activities as an honorary professor, coupled with his involvement in projects like the Atlas phase 2 upgrade and proposal of new ground-based observatories, underscore his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technology. As cosmic radiation continues to intrigue researchers worldwide, Santonico's contributions remain integral to ongoing and future endeavors in the field.

Cosmic Radiation:

Rinaldo Santonico's research in cosmic radiation has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of this phenomenon. His work in cosmic ray astrophysics, particularly with ground-based detectors utilizing RPCs, has provided valuable insights into the nature and behavior of cosmic rays. Through his contributions, Santonico has helped uncover the mysteries of cosmic radiation and its implications for astrophysics and particle physics.

Notable Publication: