Zeitun Akhmatov – Condensed Matter Physics – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Zeitun Akhmatov - Condensed Matter Physics - Best Researcher Award 

Kabardino-Balkarian State University - Russia

Author Profile



🎓 Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Zeitun Akhmatov pursued his academic journey at Kabardino-Balkarian State University, where he studied in the Physics Department from 2009 to 2014 and earned his Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. His early academic interests were focused on fundamental aspects of condensed matter physics, which laid the groundwork for his subsequent research in this field.

💼 Professional Endeavors

From 2018 to 2024, Mr. Akhmatov served as a Senior Researcher and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at Kabardino-Balkarian State University. His professional career has been dedicated to advancing the field of condensed matter physics, particularly through theoretical and experimental investigations. His role involved leading research projects, mentoring students, and contributing to the academic community through teaching and publications.

🔬 Contributions and Research Focus

Over the past five years, Mr. Akhmatov has made significant contributions to condensed matter physics. Notably, he demonstrated the possibility of enhancing spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in graphene through doping with cadmium and tellurium atoms, which is crucial for developing 2D topological insulators (Z. Akhmatov, Carbon, 2024). Additionally, he has advanced the understanding of band gap control in graphene and investigated the wettability of graphite surfaces, addressing key challenges in nanoelectronics (Akhmatov Z.A., JETP Letters, 2023; Akhmatov Z.A., Proceedings of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, 2019). His work also includes precision measurement techniques for determining intercalated atom concentrations (Z.A. Ahmatov, Phys. of Part. and Nucl., 2018).

🌍 Impact and Influence

Mr. Akhmatov's research has had a substantial impact on the field of condensed matter physics. His work on enhancing SOC in graphene and controlling band gaps has opened new avenues for creating advanced materials and devices. His findings on graphene's wettability and precision measurement methods have practical implications for nanoelectronics and material science. His contributions are widely cited, reflecting his influence on both theoretical and applied aspects of condensed matter physics.

🏆Academic Cites

Mr. Akhmatov's research has garnered significant academic attention, with numerous citations highlighting the importance of his work in condensed matter physics. His publications in high-impact journals, such as Carbon and JETP Letters, have been instrumental in advancing the field and providing valuable insights into material properties and applications.

🌟 Legacy and Future Contributions

Mr. Akhmatov's legacy in condensed matter physics is characterized by his innovative research and dedication to advancing material science. His future contributions are anticipated to further enhance the understanding of graphene and other materials, particularly in the areas of spin-orbit coupling and wettability. As he continues to explore new research avenues, Mr. Akhmatov's work will likely have a lasting influence on the development of cutting-edge technologies and materials.

Notable Publication

📝The Quasi-Two-Dimensional Coefficient Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation in a Weakly Horizontally Inhomogeneous Medium with Memory

Authors: Akhmatov, Z.A., Totieva, Z.D.

Journal: Siberian Mathematical Journal

Year: 2023

📝Band Structure of Bilayer Graphene Intercalated by Potassium Atoms. Ab Initio Calculations

Authors: Akhmatov, Z.A.

Journal: JETP Letters

Year: 2023

📝Search for Hadronic Solar Axions

Authors: Akhmatov, Z.A., Berezin, S.S., Gavrilyuk, Y.M., Unzhakov, E.V., Zavrazhnov, A.Y.

Conference: Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Year: 2021

📝Experimental Setup for Determining the Surface Tension of Highly Curved Interfaces by Static and Dynamic Methods

Authors: Sergeev, I.N., Khokonov, A.Kh., Akhmatov, Z.A.

Conference: Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Year: 2020

📝Bending Vibrations of Free and Microdroplet-Loaded Graphene in the Framework of the Molecular Dynamics Method

Authors: Khokonov, A.Kh., Akhmatov, Z.A.

Conference: Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Year: 2020

lynet allan | Condensed matter physics | Women Researcher Award

Ms. lynet allan | Condensed matter physics | Women Researcher Award

University of Nairobi | Kenya



Google Scholar


Lynet Allan's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Mathematics, with a major in Physics, from the University of Nairobi in 2016. This foundational education provided her with the necessary theoretical framework and analytical skills to pursue advanced studies in Physics.


Building upon her undergraduate education, Allan pursued a Master of Science degree in Physics at the University of Nairobi, specializing in Materials for Optoelectronics and Thermoelectricity. This program equipped her with in-depth knowledge and practical experience in the field of materials science, laying the groundwork for her subsequent research endeavors.


Throughout her academic journey, Allan has been actively involved in cutting-edge research, particularly in the domain of CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS. Her research interests primarily revolve around materials for energy applications, with a focus on renewable energy sources such as thermoelectric materials. Notably, her current Ph.D. research at the University of Nairobi explores the thermoelectric properties of Full-Heusler/Half-Heusler interfaces, aiming to advance the understanding and application of these materials in energy conversion devices.


Allan's contributions to the field of condensed matter physics and materials science have been recognized through her participation in various international conferences and research forums. Her active involvement in conferences such as the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and the Joint African Light Source and the African Physical Society Conference underscores her commitment to scholarly exchange and collaboration within the scientific community.


In addition to her conference presentations and research activities, Allan has also made significant contributions to the academic literature, as evidenced by her publications. Her research publications, accessible through her Google Scholar profile, serve as a testament to her scholarly achievements and the impact of her work within the scientific community.


Looking ahead, Allan's academic journey is characterized by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and continuous learning. As she progresses in her Ph.D. studies and beyond, she aims to further advance our understanding of materials for energy applications, contributing to the development of sustainable energy solutions that address the global challenges of climate change and energy sustainability. Through her research, teaching, and mentorship activities, Allan aspires to leave a lasting legacy in the field of condensed matter physics, inspiring future generations of scientists and engineers to pursue breakthroughs in renewable energy technologies.

Year: 2023     Month: October