Dr. Kesyton Ozegin - Solid Earth and Space Physics - Best Researcher Award
Ambrose Alli University - Nigeria
Author Profile
🎓 Early Academic Pursuits
Dr. Kesyton Ozegin’s academic journey in the field of geophysics began with a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Physics (Geophysics) from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, in 2000. His strong foundation in physics led him to pursue an M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in 2005, followed by an M.Phil. in Exploration Geophysics in 2018. Dr. Ozegin further advanced his academic credentials with a Ph.D. in Exploration Geophysics from the University of Benin, Nigeria, in 2020. His dedication to exploring the intricacies of Earth’s subsurface was evident from the early stages of his academic career.
💼 Professional Endeavors
Dr. Kesyton Ozegin has built an esteemed career in academia, currently serving as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria. He has held various teaching positions since joining the university in 2006, progressing from Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer II, Lecturer I, and now Senior Lecturer. His technical expertise spans a wide array of methods used in solid Earth and space physics, including geoelectrical, electromagnetic (VLF), ground magnetic, aeromagnetic, seismic methods, GIS, remote sensing, and machine learning interventions in geophysics.
🔬 Contributions and Research Focus
Dr. Ozegin’s research focus is on several critical aspects of geophysics, with a particular emphasis on solid Earth and space physics. His studies have delved into the delineation of structural features favorable to groundwater and mineral potentials, geophysical assessments of structural failures, and the exploration of hydrocarbon potentials in sedimentary basins in Nigeria. He has also contributed to investigations of subsurface corrosion severity and dumpsite characterization, which are crucial for environmental studies. His research on the geophysical investigation of subsurface soil properties for agricultural crop productivity has applications that extend beyond academic research, benefiting various industries and communities.
🌍 Impact and Influence
Dr. Ozegin’s work has made a significant impact on the field of solid Earth and space physics, particularly in the context of exploration geophysics. His research in groundwater, mineral, and hydrocarbon exploration has contributed to the understanding of the Earth’s subsurface and its potential resources. Moreover, his use of machine learning interventions in geophysics is helping to push the boundaries of how technology can assist in geophysical studies. His research has influenced both academia and industry, particularly in the application of geophysical methods to practical challenges in Nigeria and beyond.
🏆Academic Cites
Dr. Ozegin’s contributions to solid Earth and space physics are well-recognized in academic literature, with his work frequently cited in geophysical research. His investigations into various geophysical methods, including seismic and geoelectrical methods, have added valuable insights to the body of knowledge in the field. His publications have provided a foundation for further research and have been referenced by peers working in similar areas of exploration geophysics.
🌟 Legacy and Future Contributions
Dr. Kesyton Ozegin’s legacy in the field of solid Earth and space physics is still unfolding, as he continues to contribute to the academic and professional communities. As he progresses toward a Reader (Associate Professor) position in 2024, Dr. Ozegin’s future contributions are expected to further shape the field of geophysics, particularly in the areas of structural analysis, resource exploration, and environmental assessments. His ongoing work with machine learning in geophysics will likely continue to enhance the ways in which technology is applied to the study of the Earth’s subsurface.
Solid Earth and Space Physics
Dr. Kesyton Ozegin's extensive expertise in solid Earth and space physics has significantly advanced the understanding of geophysical methods for resource exploration and environmental studies. His contributions to the application of geophysical methods in solid Earth and space physics continue to influence both academic research and real-world practices. As he continues to push the boundaries of geophysical research, Dr. Ozegin’s work in solid Earth and space physics will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the field.
📝Notable Publication
📝Integrating in-situ data and spatial decision support systems (SDSS) to identify groundwater potential sites in the Esan plateau, Nigeria
Authors: Ozegin, K.O., Ilugbo, S.O., Alile, O.M., Iluore, K.
Journal: Groundwater for Sustainable Development
Year: 2024
Citations: 2
📝Leveraging geospatial technology and AHP for groundwater potential zonation in parts of South and North-Central Nigeria
Authors: Ozegin, K.O., Ilugbo, S.O., Akande, O.N.
Journal: Sustainable Water Resources Management
Year: 2024
Citations: 3
📝Spatial evaluation of groundwater vulnerability using the DRASTIC-L model with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and GIS approaches in Edo State, Nigeria
Authors: Ozegin, K.O., Ilugbo, S.O., Adebo, B.
Journal: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Year: 2024
Citations: 9
📝Ionospheric GPS-VTEC forecasting using hybrid deep learning model (LSTM-CNN)
Authors: Iluore, K., Lu, J., Ozegin, K.O.
Journal: Journal of Space Safety Engineering
Year: 2024
Citations: 0
📝Evaluation of potentially susceptible flooding areas leveraging geospatial technology with multicriteria decision analysis in Edo State, Nigeria
Authors: Ozegin, K.O., Ilugbo, S.O.
Journal: Natural Hazards Research
Year: 2024
Citations: 0
📝A triangulation approach for groundwater potential evaluation using geospatial technology and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in Edo State, Nigeria
Authors: Ozegin, K.O., Ilugbo, S.O.
Journal: Journal of African Earth Sciences
Year: 2024
Citations: 7